Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine Sweets

Daddy had a meeting last night, so the kids and I decided to make some Valentines Day goodies.

I got the idea from Little Birdie Secrets, but in an effort to save time (and sanity) I went sans sticks. And...for some reason, I'm always trying to make short cuts, I melted Hershey kisses instead of candy melts. Let me tell you, there IS a rhyme and reason for following directions...those melted kisses just don't set up like the candy melts. Plus the chocolate gets sticky! My thought was to put them in little cellophane bags and tie them up with cute ribbon, but the chocolate kept sticking to the sides of the bag...even after a little while in the freezer.

So, I put the cellophone baggies away and thought, "hmmm what else could I use?..." aaha! I put the chocolate dipped marshmallows in muffin papers and set them inside a plain 'ol zip sandwhich bag, I tied them up with ribbon and cut off the zipper part with pinking shears.

Voila~Oh, and by the way I tasted them and YUM-O. They would be even better dipped in crushed graham crackers-Valentine 'Smores anyone?

Here's Peyton writing her own Valentine's Day cards this year!


Saucy said...

Personally I swear by the candy melts, nothing melts like them but ooooh Hershey Kisses would taste sooooo goooood!

Courtney said...

I was just thinking about you, Jen, and wondering if you have an Etsy.com account. I was on there doing some research for a few blog give-aways I am planning. There are a lot of things on there that look like you could make. You are so crafty! Anyways, if you dont have one you should look into it.