Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hand Made Tu-Tu's

I have been on a "tu-tu" kick lately and ordered a bunch of tulle from the internet. I've been making these for all of the sweet little girls in my life. I love seeing them pretend to be little ballerina's!
Of course, I had to do a Blue and Orange...go BSU!

I can even do matching onesies!


Jerri-Lea said...

Those look great! I bought some tulle to make Disney ones for my girls on our trip... shhh, it's a surprise (the trip). I hope I bought enough tulle though!
Did you stitch the onsie or use iron on fusible web? Too cute!

Jennspiration said...

I can't wait to take our kids to Disney! I did you the fusible web for the onesie, but then stitched around the outside for more "staying power!"