Sunday, October 7, 2007

The face behind Jennspiration

So, I thought it was time to put a picture of myself on my blog so you can put a face with a name. I took a decent picture shortly after I had my hair cut and colored...I'm posting some pictures of my kiddos too...God has blessed us with a girl and a boy and we couldn't ask for anything more! My daughter, Peyton, is three and a half and she is in preschool and really wants to be "Spidergirl" for Halloween, although mommy wants her to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. :) And then there's Ashton, my cutie pie son, he will be two in just under a month and I cannot believe it! I love them so much and they bring so much joy to my life. I am trying harder than ever not to make them grow up too fast-because I know it happens. So enjoy our pictures! I'll throw one in of my darling husband, too! We love him very, very, much! He takes care of us so that I am able to stay home with the kids and raise them they way I want them to be raised.


Michelle said...

Awww - what a nice family you have! Yes, you are right - kids really DO grow up so quickly! Treasure each and every day with them :) My kids are now 16, 14 & 11 - seems like yesterday that they were just little ones... {sigh} :)

Thriftin and Craftin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving such a nice comment. (thriftin and craftin. The roses you make are really beautiful. I hope you sell lots of them at the craft fairs! Have a great day!


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Pretty lady, gorgeous family. So blessed. (((Jenn)))